Lend a helping hand

Lend a helping hand
In our village, they have handed out letters to all the residents, asking for fit and healthy volunteers to assist where possible, the older people in the village, helping them to get their shopping or prescriptions etc., if they are unable to get out themselves at the moment. We of...

New Life

New Life
Today's walk took a twist through the woods and came across a farm. Did you know - Cows spend 10 to 12 hours a day lying down... Oh to be a cow! Dairy cows provide 90% of the world’s milk supply and the best cows give over 25 gallons of...


Nothing shouts ‘Spring!’ like the daffodil. When I relocated from London one of my first purchases last winter was rubber mats for my car. They have been worth their weight in gold! I am looking forward to putting my wellies away for a while however the fields around my house are...

Horse Mad Goddaughter

Horse Mad Goddaughter
I have a horse mad goddaughter and her birthday is rapidly approaching. Why is that…. birthdays always sneak up on you?! I’m lucky enough to have access to the Gallop Guru storeroom so have purchased some brilliant gifts over the last year including a leather horseshoe keyring, long waffle riding...


The sun has come out for at least the last half hour. I was so happy on my lunch time walk to spot the chickens pottering about in the gardens and almost managed to get a photo of them both on the wall. #Chicken #ChickenDoorStop #StoneChickenTeaTowel #StoneChickenOvenGloves #ChickenTeaCosy #Dorset #Office...

Working through the hard times with our furry friends

Working through the hard times with our furry friends
In a bid to help stop the spread of this nasty virus – Caroline has us working at home at the moment where possible. While working at home has it perks (this lovely weather is great for getting those multiple washing loads done!), it can also be lonely not having...

Office Dogs

Office Dogs
Today in the Gallop Guru office we have only three dogs often it can be four or five. In an effort to keep our office tidy we have reverted to putting our shredded paper into a box so that we can dry the dogs after our lunchtime walkies around the...

Horses and ponies currently on the move

Horses and ponies currently on the move
We have just sold our first horse and we are so sad! The attachment you make with them is so strong and I personally find it hard that we can’t explain to them what is happening when they are “shipped off” to a new home. We will have checked their...

Doing Our Bit...

Doing Our Bit...
We are trying to do our bit to reduce, reuse, recycle, but are always keen on new ideas!