Silver is a wonderful metal to work with, it is very malleable and there are so many different ways and techniques that can be used to create jewellery. It is also a relatively unreactive metal, so good to sit next to the skin. Working as a married couple has far more challenges! For a start, there is no book to read (other than maybe “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?) and every day presents a new challenge! We are in the midst of the pandemic though and that has thrown us a new one! Heath has drawn the short straw and works from home whilst keeping an eye on the homeschooling of our 2 teenagers. They don’t need too much from him, other than to be fed lunch, top up a water bottle, check the wifi and made to go for their daily exercise, but even this can be tricky when dealing with 2 socially deprived teenagers…#silver #jewellery #women #pandemic